

- hosted by bplaced

Pokémon Sprites

- from Bulbapedia by Nintendo, GAME FREAK, Creatures and The Pokémon Company

Artworks & GIFs

- from Google Image Search by their creator. Images can be removed if the creator wishes to remove them. The site owner can be contacted here.

Information about Sceptile

- from Bulbapedia and PokéWiki


- background image of the header from pixabay
- PNG from Bulbapedia by Ken Sugimori
- texture from Kouyou Design and by Ran
- designed and coded by Ran


- by cmsfrog


- by Besucherzaehler Kostenlos

This is an inofficial fansite run by Ran. Sceptile, Pokémon and
all related content © Nintendo, GAME FREAK, Creatures & The Pokémon Company. No copyright infringement intented.